IBDP French ab initio is a course for students with no prior exposure to the target language or very limited experience. It’s only available at French B Standard Level (SL). Determining “very limited exposure” is challenging, so specific conditions like hours of instruction aren’t listed. However, students who can already understand and respond to spoken and written language on common topics shouldn’t take this course, as it wouldn’t be fair to true beginners. To ensure that language ab initio classes cover manageable content aligned with final assessments, language-specific syllabuses are provided. At this level, students develop communication skills in the target language across various contexts.
Receptive: Students understand, both aurally and in writing, simple sentences and some more complex sentences relating to the five prescribed themes and related topics. They understand simple authentic and adapted written and audio texts and related questions in the target language.
Productive: Students express information fairly accurately, in both writing and in speech, using a range of basic vocabulary and grammatical structures. They communicate orally and respond appropriately to most questions on the five prescribed themes and related topics.
Interactive: Students understand and respond clearly to some information and ideas within the range of the five prescribed themes and related topics. They engage in simple conversations. They use strategies to negotiate meaning and foster communication.
Preparation for all the four components of the course:
- Paper 1 Writing – 30 marks – 25%
- Paper 2 Reading – 40 marks – 25%
- Paper 2 Listening – 25 marks – 25%
- IA – 30 marks – 25